Charging at non-Tesla charging stations | Tesla Motors Club
Jan 4, 2024 · Try another CCS1 charging station, like one with EA. Third party stations are notorious for being down and unable to charge. Or ask someone else to try your adapter. Just noticed you have a third party adapter; so it may be that I …
Charging at Tesla at a Rivian charging station - Tesla Motors Club
Jul 3, 2022 · It is possible to charge a Tesla at a Rivian charging station. The Rivian charging station in Salida, CO had a sign on it to indicate it was 'open to all electric vehicles'. Charging here gives me a max of 40mph, charging at 240v using the J1772 adapter. It …
Way To Pay For Charging at Charging Stations ... - Tesla Motors Club
Mar 19, 2017 · Most charging is done at home, assuming you have a garage. Most charging when traveling is done at Tesla superchargers, or at hotels with Tesla destination charging or J1772s at no cost. Very few Tesla owners need to plug in to the paid charging stations you'll see at Walgreens, Whole Foods, etc.
Hosting Tesla (Super)Charger, the offer and expense.
Aug 9, 2021 · Create a new revenue stream from paid charging sessions for Tesla and non-Tesla drivers. You set the desired price of charging, Tesla collects driver payment and remits 100% of revenue back to you quarterly; Tesla’s sole fee is one penny per kWh, invoiced annually; Clear path to return your investment
Wait Time at Tesla and 3rd Party Charging Stations
Jan 3, 2018 · Note that SCs are for people on road trips and those people tend to limit their charging to what it takes to get to the next station which might typically involve charging from 20 to 65 or 70%. The cars charge faster at these low levels so many people use that strategy as it can save charging time if not the annoyance of having to stop more ...
At Home Charging costs vs. Superchargers | Tesla Motors Club
Dec 3, 2019 · My home charging cost is close to $.013 / kWh all-in. I briefly looked into converting to a Time-of-Use plan, but it's not clear that would work out for me. My dominant home electricity use is not charging the Tesla, it's running the central air during the hot part of the day - and I can't shift that to nighttime.
Issue with Charging Port Releasing After Multiple Attempts
Dec 12, 2024 · The issue occurs regardless of whether I’m using my home charger or a public charging station, i use CCS2 port. The car charges perfectly otherwise, and there are no other signs of problems with the charging port. Troubleshooting I’ve Tried: Rebooted the car’s software. Checked and there is no visible dirt or debris in charging port.
How to lock up your private charger in a condo? - Tesla Motors Club
Feb 5, 2017 · Other end attach a combination/key lock with the ring big enough wrap the charging cable. This holds the cable to the wall which is good but stops people using it. Or even more simple - attach an eye bolt ( a ring) to the wall and then get a lock big enough to pass through the eye bolt and the cable.
EMF (radiation) emissions from Tesla batteries
Jan 25, 2023 · It is my understanding harmful radiation levels (EMF) are being emitted from the passenger floor board and charging station/charging port. How can my passenger be protected from these emissions. Reactions: Sweed269 , Raffy.Roma , TBrownTX and 11 others
4.1.1 Charging Station The charging station is an assembly of components required for charging of a vehicle battery. 4.1.2 Power Source The power source provides regulated power to charge the vehicle battery. For DC charging, the DC power source shall be isolated from the grid from which it derives power. 4.1.3 V CHG V CHG