The approach echoes President Donald Trump's rhetoric and underscores the stakes for Abbott after months of pressuring ...
Basically, anything that subtracts from Texas’ underfunded public schools is a no-go. Especially if it messes with the state ...
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott says he has the votes in the state Legislature to pass a school voucher bill. The Senate passed its ...
The potential dismantling of the U.S. Department of Education and the prospect of school vouchers in Texas pose a threat to ...
A majority of Texas House members have signed on as co-authors of a school voucher bill — a move that hints the Legislature ...
In an interview with The Dallas Morning News, House Speaker Dustin Burrows said both chambers’ bills are largely ...
The 75 co-sponsors plus the bill’s author would provide enough votes to pass Gov. Abbott’s top priority measure in the ...
The Lufkin school district says it must do a better job of promoting itself amid growing competition from charter schools and ...
Texas government leaders who gathered at San Antonio Christian School on Monday night predicted that the state House will ...
The Texas House has filed its school voucher bill. The legislation differs in several ways from what the Senate has already ...
Students shouldn't be stuck in bad schools based on their zip code. The proposed educational savings account program in the ...
Meanwhile, a right-wing think tank and 'school choice' proponent said vouchers would cut spending on big-ticket items like ...