The Smith Summer Science and Engineering Program (SSEP) is designed for exceptional high school students with strong interests in science and engineering. Engage in lab-based courses with Smith ...
Do you want to spend time on your writing and have a change of scenery? Come find inspiration in a place of natural beauty! We will write in the company of others at the MacLeish Field Station, in the ...
This year’s competition provides more than $100,000 in cash and prizes, including a $25,000 cash prize as well as a Draper University Scholarship for the Grand Prize winner.
The Department of Biological Sciences treats the life sciences in all their breadth and diversity, including the study of molecules, cells, whole organisms, ecosystems, plants, animals and ...
The Department of English Language and Literature aims to teach all students to write and speak well and to read skillfully, thoughtfully and with pleasure. We offer many courses that stress literary ...
Medieval Europe’s diverse regional cultures were balanced by a conscious attempt to create a unified view of the world that embraced religious and social ideals, Latin and vernacular literature, and ...
Natalie Diaz’s poetry is raw, rhythmic, and tender. The New York Times called her debut, When My Brother Was an Aztec (2012), an “ambitious… beautiful book.” Pima and Mojave, and an enrolled member of ...
Nancy Morejón is the best known and most widely translated woman poet of post-revolutionary Cuba. Born in 1944 in Havana to a militant dock worker and a trade-unionist seamstress, Morejón graduated ...
The importance of shopping small is heavily emphasized during the holiday season, and both the Smith and local Northampton communities didn’t have to leave campus to support independent creators ...
On a recent afternoon at the Southampton Road Elementary School in Westfield, Mass., three Smith students and a handful of fourth graders are absorbed in the happy chaos of a robotics challenge.
We are pleased to provide you with a progress report on Smith’s strategic planning activities to date. Thank you to all of you who have participated in this important process thus far. More than 300 ...
If there’s one thing I learned after participating in my first staff cookie contest at Smith, it’s that the staff members who keep the college running day in and day out are also exceptional bakers.