The views that early childhood teachers have of children and childhood are informed by the rhetoric and theories of early childhood, their cultures, life stories, philosophies, and ongoing practices ...
This article draws on doctoral research into conferences for teacher professional learning and development (PLD). It outlines the literature on teacher PLD, and describes the process by which the ...
Using an infamous case of cyber bullying, Dennis Sumara, Brent Davis, and Tammy Iftody examine how we should teach “ethical know-how” for use in the social spaces of the Internet—a world that disrupts ...
Stories are one critical aspect of literacy across the life span. For young children, stories invite engagement in shared thinking, and social and emotional connections with others in family homes and ...
The metaphor of a feedback loop underpinned a significant curriculum change in a first year teacher-education unit. Assessment for Learning (AfL) practices such as discussing examples of previous ...
As part of their kaupapa of catering for the whole child, Pacific Advance Secondary School in Ōtāhuhu has implemented an innovative programme called Tū Tangata to get their talavou physically active.
This article stems from participation in a TLRI research study, Renewing Participatory Democracy: Walking with Young Children to Story and Read the Land. It presents an account of the growing ...
Young people should not miss out on education because they are menstruating; a normal part of life. The importance of supporting students who menstruate is recognised internationally, with countries ...
This paper conceives history in the New Zealand curriculum as a curriculum problem. In exposing this problem, history’s identity is thrown into question. I outline a motif of disturbance in light of ...
Five conceptions of curriculum (i.e., humanist, social reconstructionist, skills, technological, and academic) are described and used to analyse the New Zealand Curriculum Framework. It is argued that ...
The call for citizenship education as a compulsory part of the curriculum has met with a varied response worldwide. While everyone would espouse the ideals of ensuring our young people grow up to be ...
This article looks at the current organisation of senior secondary curriculum in New Zealand, and raises some key questions that will need to be considered as we seek to develop a senior secondary ...