Although the general idea is that the Ottomans and Barbary corsairs limited their naval raids to the Mediterranean, this is a ...
A recent study of an ancient Mesopotamian sculpture using cutting-edge technology has provided information about the earliest ...
El reciente estudio de una antigua escultura mesopotámica utilizando tecnología de vanguardia ha proporcionado informacion ...
A team of international researchers, co-led by the University of Cambridge, has used the powerful James Webb Space Telescope ...
Un equipo internacional, codirigido por la Universidad de Cambridge, utilizó el telescopio Webb para observar una galaxia ...
As part of the Loire Riverbed Rebalancing Program, carried out by Voies Navigables de France (VNF), the National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (Inrap) conducted two excavations ...
En el marco del programa de reequilibrio del lecho del río Loira, llevado a cabo por Voies Navigables de France (VNF), el ...
A team of researchers has made a significant breakthrough in the field of transfusion medicine by identifying a new blood ...
Un equipo de investigadores ha logrado un avance significativo en el campo de la medicina transfusional al identificar un ...
A collaborative archaeological mission between the Supreme Council of Antiquities and the University of Würzburg in Germany ...
La misión arqueológica conjunta entre el Consejo Supremo de Antigüedades y la Universidad de Würzburg en Alemania ha revelado ...
A groundbreaking study published in Science, co-led by researchers from the University of Bristol and China University of ...