Malvern Panalytical's Creoptix WAVEsystem delivers a robust, label-free technology for real-time analysis of biomolecular ...
Medical conditions that deprive the testes of oxygen, such as sleep apnoea, may be contributing to the decline in male fertility observed over the past 50 years.
A new analysis of samples from the asteroid Bennu reveals that evaporated water left a briny broth where salts and minerals allowed the elemental ingredients of life to intermingle.
Individuals who had childhood epilepsy have an increased accumulation of brain amyloid later in life, potentially ...
Emeritus Professor Tony Haymet — a world-leading oceanographer, chemist and entrepreneur — is Australia's 10th Chief ...
The reforms are intended to maximise the value of the $1.2 billion in government funding that goes into the science sector ...
Stem cell scientists have successfully used embryonic stem cell engineering to create a bi-paternal mouse — a mouse with two male parents — that lived until adulthood.
People who live close to airports and are exposed to high aircraft noise levels could be at greater risk of poor heart function, increasing the likelihood of heart attacks, life-threatening heart ...
Noblegen Cryogenics says that its Triton model is the most compact onsite liquid nitrogen generator on the market. The unit features production of up to 10 L of liquid nitrogen a day, a small internal ...
An experimental blood test for pancreatic cancer is being evaluated by a commercial laboratory — an important milestone towards making the test available for patients. Teams led by the Van Andel ...
Three months after mysterious ball-shaped debris first started washing up on NSW beaches, the balls appear to be back with a vengeance. Preliminary analysis of the original debris, which was found on ...
Macquarie University researchers have worked with an international team of scientists to construct the final chromosome in the world’s first synthetic yeast genome, following more than a decade of ...