Shia religious authorities, in collaboration with their political allies in the Iraqi parliament, seek to redefine Iraq’s ...
On July 28, 2024, the 25th Knesset entered the longest recess in its history amidst an ongoing military conflict and complex ...
The EU is once again eyeing a workaround to address an emerging challenge. A few days ago, former ECB President Mario Draghi ...
Contrary to cartoonish portrayals of Ursula von der Leyen as a latter-day Caesar, who may be illegitimately presidentialising ...
On 10 September 2024, the CJEU issued its judgment in the joined cases of KS and KD, addressing the scope of its jurisdiction ...
On September 11, 2024, the Senate of Mexico approved the controversial judicial reform. The ruling party, MORENA, achieved ...
The rights of nature movement is gaining momentum all around the world. With the decision of the Landgericht Erfurt on 2 August 2024, in which it ruled that subjective rights of nature could be ...
I am looking forward to the coming week with a sense of excitement. There are several reasons for this: Firstly, on Friday, my new play Ein Volksbürger will premiere, starring Fabian Hinrichs in the ...
The International Court of Justice (ICJ), a UN body essentially responsible for resolving inter-state disputes, has been increasingly asked to consider matters with implications for individual ...
Since October 7th, Israel has been fighting for its ideological self-image as the “startup nation”. The collapse of the “smart fence” on the Gaza border, along with the disabling of its “see-and-shoot ...
Wie aus neueren Recherchen des NDR hervorgeht, gibt es Hinweise darauf, dass von einem US-Stützpunkt in Deutschland aus ...
Im Vorfeld der konstituierenden Sitzung des Thüringer Landtags am kommenden Donnerstag wird diskutiert, ob der Landtag, bevor ...