“Bonhoeffer” follows the real-life story of theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor who openly criticized the Nazi regime. The scale from production to performance is unlike any film of its ...
“Between the Pages” is a Q-and-A series that explores one’s life through books that have shaped and influenced them. Books affect the forming of souls, and together these souls make up our community.
Tucked away in the corner of a public aquatics center, a team of collegiate athletes toils away in preparation for their next big competition. This group of young men and women, in the midst of ...
Andres Ramirez is a Senior Interdisciplinary Studies major, who loves photography, coffee, tacos, Relient K and Jesus. He also loves spending time with good friends, watching movies and visiting nice ...
The sounds of voices singing, violins playing and trumpets blowing filled the La Mirada Theatre for Performing Arts on the evening of Dec. 7. The spirit of Christmas came alive at Biola’s Annual ...
As the semester nears its end, students may be looking for something that will put them in the holiday spirit. On Dec. 7 at 7 p.m., Biola’s Conservatory of Music will be hosting their annual Christmas ...
“The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” has resurrected the Christmas film genre by blending old tropes with new direction. It summons back the nostalgia of “A Christmas Story” through its narration while ...
Junior business administration and soccer student-athlete Jake Saffer is practically Superman. He expertly balances the demands of his classes and homework while showcasing his skills on the soccer ...
The recent movie “Here” follows a diverse ensemble of characters from early humans to a 21st-century Black family. While they differ from each other, there is one thing each individual has in common: ...
On the evening of Nov. 15, the stage in Ethel Lee Auditorium was set with a purplish-blue hue and a light fog. The Biola Jazz Ensemble, led by director Cliff Hulling, gave an energetic night of music, ...
Annelise Brown is a senior accounting major who loves hiking, weightlifting and coffee. I was born and raised in a small town in Northwestern Washington, about an hour north of Seattle. While I was ...
Rafik Abousoliman is a junior Graphic Design major, who loves sports and probably plays too much video games. I come from the land of the Pharaohs, yes, Egypt. I wanted to be a Graphic Designer since ...