Kingdom Hearts series director Tetsuya Nomura has shared a cryptic tease for the long dormant Kingdom Hearts 4 by pointing to ...
Kingdom Hearts co-creator Tetsuya Nomura shares some insights into the themes of the series and teases future updates for ...
On the anniversary of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Square Enix shared the second entry's BBS teaser and a Tetsuya Nomura ...
News about the next Kingdom Hearts game is light, but Tetsuya Nomura has started to hint about the future of the series ...
It's been 1,005 gruelling days since we've had close to any news on Kingdom Hearts 4, the next game in Square Enix's ...
Kingdom Hearts 4 is in development now, so here's everything we know about the long-awaiting continuation of the series.
When Kingdom Hearts 4 eventually comes out, it would be nice to see it shake up the series' combat, and watching FF7 Rebirth is one way to do that.
Dolls that look like the basic Heartless from the Kingdom Hearts franchise will appear as prizes in Sega Plaza crane games.
Kingdom Hearts lives or dies by its Disney crossovers, and these 10 Disney properties are perfect for the series.
Tesuya Nomura, creator of the Kingdom Hearts games, wanted Sora to be an original character with a mix of Disney and JRPG characteristics.
Christianity Today remains committed to the written word. We believe in the extraordinary, life-changing power of stories and ...