This article will take a look at the utility of US main operating bases and the USAF strategy in the Indo-Pacific.
In fact, by our calculations, the amount of concrete used by China to improve the resilience of its air base network could pave a four-lane interstate highway from Washington, DC, to Chicago. As a ...
The United States needs to expand and fortify its military airfields in the Western Pacific Ocean as they face the threat of ...
As the United States increasingly looks to multilateral partnerships to meet challenges in the Indo-Pacific, the Quad ...
The South China Sea remains one of the world’s most volatile geopolitical hotspots, with escalating tensions and territorial ...
In the Philippines, Australia and across the Pacific, US defence strategy is pivoting from supremacy to a 'scatter and ...
A pilot program aims to connect Department of Defense civilians in Japan with local health care providers without paying ...
The US Defense Department has added Chinese tech companies Tencent, a social media and gaming giant, and CATL, the world’s largest battery maker, to a list of firms that it alleges work with China’s ...
The impact of growth on military budgets, shown above, has been disguised by shifting policy on how much of GDP to allocate to defense. In the 1990s, the United States cut the defense budget ...