And if you were to go back a few more years into the past, you’d have found when you bought a mouse with a PS/2 connector fitted, it may well have come with an adapter for a 9-pin RS232 serial port.
This is an intelligent adapter to connect PS/2 mouses to serial mouses uses in the 80s and 90s. Hope to help some retro-computer enthusiasts connecting a "more modern" mouse to theold PC. Currently ...
And if you were to go back a few more years into the past, you’d have found when you bought a mouse with a PS/2 connector fitted, it may well have come with an adapter for a 9-pin RS232 serial port.
Connect the DE-9 connector to the Mouse port of the PC-98. Connect the PS/2 mouse to the PS/2 connector of the mouse adapter. Use mouse as normal. If it seems twitchy or otherwise defective, alter the ...