Each side said the other was mischaracterizing how large local dairy and poultry farmers operate and what the measure’s ...
The rearing of farmed animals today is dominated by industrialized facilities known as concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAFOs (often referred to as “factory farms”) that maximize ...
New analysis of the most recent Census of Agriculture shows that animal protein purchased in the U.S. is overwhelmingly ...
City leaders found themselves divided on whether it is the council’s role to weigh in on Measure J, the countywide ballot ...
Plant milks in this case are the clear all-star. Videos of dairy cows being beaten or confined to small, unsanitary enclosures on factory farms have contributed to public concerns about the dairy ...
A coalition of 105 organizations has analyzed the flow of financing to large, greenhouse-gas-emitting livestock operations ...
In this context, a small dairy is less than 500 cows. Large dairies can have tens of thousands of cows. Consolidation isn't ...
Petaluma has long been tied to the dairy and poultry business and was ... Activists use the phrase interchangeably with “factory farms,” to cover a range of modern poultry and livestock ...
The ASA is investigating the RSPCA’s “For Every Kind” advertising campaign after receiving multiple complaints that the ads ...
Factory farm dairies are California’s largest source of climate-warming methane gas, yet CARB refuses to follow its mandate to protect the climate and actually regulate the dairy industry as every ...
Measure J, put forward by the Coalition to End Factory Farming, a group of animal advocacy, environmental and social justice organizations, would force Sonoma County farms with 700 or more dairy ...
The Coalition to End Factory Farming, which collected signatures to put Measure J ... highlights Sunrise Farms in Petaluma that houses a half million chickens, Mertens Dairy in Sonoma with 900 cows in ...