And his diet and dedication in what was his most extreme transformation is truly difficult to believe. Bale starred as an ...
Christian Bale’s weight plummeted to just 120 pounds to play the titular insomniac character. Just six months later, he gained 100 pounds for his starring role as Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins.
Gyllenhaal auditioned to play the Caped Crusader for Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins back in 2005, but ultimately lost the role to Christian Bale. Drawing comparisons from his fights in Road ...
It’s interesting that Christian Bale “refuses to discuss his personal ... Maybe somebody “placed a curse” on the latest Batman movie, said Marc Rawden in the blog Cinema Blend.
“I found out from Nick, who put me in the suit every day, that Christian Bale did the same thing on Batman Begins,” Pattinson revealed. And if you dig up the teaser trailer for Bale’s Batman ...