Want to dive deeper into the actor's filmography? We're with you. Here are the top 30 Christian Bale movies, ranked using a combination of actorly performance with general movie awesomeness.
So let’s begin with the ranking of the best Christian Bale movies. Not many have seen this one but if you have, hear me out for a bit. It’s definitely not the best movie and the effects are ...
today we’re counting down the 10 best action remakes ever made. And yes, we made room for Dune. 3:10 To Yuma (2007) Official Trailer #1 - Russell Crowe, Christian Bale Movie One of a couple of ...
Christian Bale almost quit acting after struggling with stardom following Steven Spielberg's film, until his 2000 movie ...
While it wasn’t a Wolverine and Batman mashup, The Prestige remains one of Christopher Nolan’s best movies, and it also ...