While the Naruto and Shippuden anime series offer a comprehensive narrative, the films can be categorized into two types: filler films and story-significant films. Filler films, while ...
With thousands of shows and millions of voices telling you what to watch next, anime can be intimidating at the best of times. So, where should you start? Don't worry, we're here to help.
5KPlayer is one of the best options to play 4K UHD videos up to 2160p 60fps (frames per second). It can smoothly play 4096*2160 or 3840*2160 resolution HEVC, AVI, HDR videos, etc. Whether you want ...
It's all well and good buying a 4K 120Hz gaming monitor if you're running an RTX 4090, but pair that with even a rock-solid mid-range card and you won't get very far. It's all about finding that ...
Unleash your ninja powers in Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm for the Nintendo Switch! Battle anime enemies in crisp, vibrant color as you explore Hidden Leaf Village and the Road to Boruto.