Wonder Woman, The Avengers, and Chronicle are among the best and most essential superhero movies of the 2010s.
Batman was not always at the top of the DC slate, with two other superhero movies managing to land movies before the Dark ...
Dick Grayson, the first Robin, first appeared in Detective Comics #38 (eleven issues after Batman debuted in Detective Comics ...
Outside of the superhero genre, James Bond may be the most popular action protagonist to be constantly re-cast and re-imagined over many years. This week, a Reddit post comparing the history of Agent ...
But look, this is a Batman movie with a killer score and Prince soundtrack, and it proved a fairly serious superhero movie could thrive. We’re fans. Keaton and Burton were right all along about the ...
Before you cast your vote, try revisiting (or, perhaps, even discovering) all of the live-action ... More about the Batman movie: While some may assume Superman is the de facto leader of the ...
Batman and Robin ... in harm's way. We all them the Dynamic Duo, but one half of the duo holds all the power. You might also like this list of the Best Superhero Movies Before The MCU or this ...
The strength of any memorable movie lies in its chief antagonist. Yes, we all like to cheer for Luke Skywalker, Batman, or Professor Van Helsing. But what kind of movies might these heroes find ...