"The Brutalist" is a nearly four-hour historical drama starring Adrien Brody as celebrated architect László Tóth. Here's what ...
And I'm going to see it again. Spoiler Warning: The following article has some major spoilers for The Brutalist. If you’ve ...
As Frodo says after destroying the One Ring while sitting on a boulder surrounded by rivers of lava in "The Lord of the Rings ...
The legendary film critic, who appears this weekend at New York's Metrograph in conversation, tells IndieWire about his ...
The Brutalist actor was once bound for leading-man Hollywood stardom. Now he’s set to get recognized for a very different kind of role.
After turning down the lead in Fifty Shades of Grey, the British actress feared she’d never work again. Now she’s bound for Bafta glory ...
The actor says the entire neighborhood was "in tears and screaming" after the scary notes showed up in their mailboxes.
As mentioned above, The Brutalist is not currently available to watch on any streaming platform – and won't be for a while.
The Backstage Experience we travel to Arizona State University to sit down with Don Cheadle and wrestling champion Anthony ...
In this infill project, a row of garages in Blackheath, south-east London, has been replaced by a contemporary family home by ...
Shutting down the popular app is audacious. It’s also a sign that officials really believe the alternative is unacceptable.
The full Israeli cabinet passed the agreement during a meeting that continued into the Jewish Sabbath, setting up the first reprieve in Gaza in over a year. By Aaron BoxermanRawan Sheikh ...