Tyres are crucial for our safety on the road. Together with Goodyear, we developed intelligent tyres with an upgraded ABS ...
The nutrition our bodies require also varies from one moment to the next. Personalised nutrition can help people live ...
We collect and process your data on this site to better understand how it is used. You can give your consent to all or ...
Contributing to Europe’s sovereignty. Welcome to the Dutch SatCom Summit 2024, hosted by TNO at the Nxt Museum in Amsterdam on Thursday, 7 November 2024. This event is a must-attend for anyone ...
Exploring the value of applied quantum technologies. This is what Peter Elias – van den Berg does within TNO in the function of senior project manager and portfolio manager quantum computing ...
Powered by shared expertise and facilities of TNO and the Brightlands Chemelot Campus, Brightlands Materials Center is all about shaping and recycling materials for a better world. We were founded in ...
Do you want to contribute to sustainable construction in a circular society? You can, by becoming a Building Materials Consultant at TNO in Delft! Concrete and other stony building materials play an ...
Banden zijn cruciaal zijn voor onze veiligheid op de weg. Samen met The Goodyear ontwikkelden we intelligente banden met ...
Marjoleine van der Zwan is met ingang van 1 oktober 2024 benoemd tot Managing Director van de Unit Healthy Living & Work bij ...
Van waterbeheer naar energiebeheer: welke lessen kunnen we voor ons energiesysteem leren van het programma ‘Ruimte voor de ...
Het grote voordeel van 3D-voedselprinten is dat deze machines elke keer een ander product kunnen printen en aanpassingen in ...