Our friends across the pond have given us a reason to celebrate. In America, the 4th of October is National Vodka Day, so by extension, for the rest of ...
As the name suggests, layered drinks include layers of different ingredients, often with contrasting colours. This effect is achieved by carefully pouring each ingredient into the glass so that it ...
Como o nome sugere, drinks com camadas possuem diferentes ingredientes sobrepostos em uma determinada ordem, normalmente para criar contrastes de cor. O efeito é conseguido servindo cuidadosamente ...
Alpeggio is a mountain pasture or hay meadow, so it's an appropriate name for this liqueur, which captures the aromas of high alpine meadows. Wild mountain grasses and flowers are cut and left to sun ...
As Stuart Hudson says, "Throwing is incredibly easy - if you can catch a ball you'll be able to throw. It's physically gentle, balletic and elegant, and while shaking causes injuries and is tough on ...
Esta forma de preparar coquetéis é feita despejando os ingredientes de um recipiente a outro, mantendo-os a uma certa altura de distância - um bem abaixo do outro. Quando usar throw Qualquer drink ...
Most cocktails that are shaken and served 'straight-up' (without ice) benefit from an additional 'fine' or 'double' strain in addition to the standard strain to remove fine flecks of ice and small ...
A maioria dos coquetéis que são batidos e servidos "straight-up" (sem gelo no copo) ficam melhores quando coados duas vezes, para remover pequenos fragmentos de frutas e pequenos resquícios de gelo ...