Some college students discover their majors as they go. Others have their majors decided for them, years before stepping onto campus. A serendipitous flip of a coin. Finance and RMI double major Max ...
Driven by data? We've got the certificate for you. Data drives decisions, from big to small. Help inform better business decisions and be the go-to in developing new strategies. Add the online ...
Expand your skills. Improve your job performance. And keep your resume job-market competitive. When it comes to adding Iowa’s top-ranked business school to your resume, you have more options than ever ...
Brett Crandell’s experience in the Hawkinson Institute built his networking muscle—and took him all the way to a full-time role in investment banking. “I decided to come to Iowa because of the ...
According to a recent GMAC Corporate Recruiters survey, strategic skills are among the most important and sought-after by employers. That comes as no surprise: A well-developed strategy helps your ...
What’s the best business major…for you? What’s the best business major? Ask 10 people and you’ll likely get 10 different answers. Maybe it’s time to ask a different question. The business is world is ...
There's another way to get in. As an undergrad, a lot of things can get in the way of a high GPA. We get that. If yours falls between 2.5 and 3.0, there’s another path that lets you start taking ...
5:45 pm - Bus leaves the hotel for the Pappajohn Business Building. 6:00 pm - Evening reception to be held in the BizHub of the Pappajohn Business Building with Tippie faculty and students. 8:30 pm ...
You like your job. You love your employer. But you want more. You're thinking of pursuing your MBA–a thought that could cost you both time and money. Help might be closer than you think. How can you ...
You’re always up for a challenge, right? You look forward to the challenges of owning a business, running a business, or just doing whatever you can to make someone else’s business succeed. Pursuing ...
Before enrolling at Tippie, Brooke Wang had already completed her undergraduate work in finance and she had two graduate degrees. But the voice of a little girl in her head knew there was more.