But in line with new Vatican criteria in place this year, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith ruled that the positive ...
The Second Vatican Council officially launched the Catholic Church into the ecumenical movement. A reexamination of these texts more than fifty years later suggests areas of critique as well as ...
Vatican II was the catalyst for a significant realignment of ministerial life in the Catholic Church. Although the council did not undertake a thoroughgoing revision of episcopal or presbyteral ...
In 2018, Pope Francis promulgated the apostolic constitution Veritatis Gaudium, which was a document devoted to the reform of ...
THE usual Francis-bashers as hysterical. Heresy! He has preached that the different religions are paths to the same God. He ...
One of the recommendations of the first meeting of the Synod on Synodality was to explore ways to improve the quality of ...
A look back at the Second Vatican Council through the coverage offered by America and Commonweal offers two lessons: First, ...
The Second Vatican Council's fathers tossed the Curia's agenda and set their own. Could history repeat itself?
Pope Francis arrived in the tiny Southeast Asian nation of East Timor on Monday for the penultimate stop of the 87-year-old ...
(OSV News) — On the occasion of St. John Paul II’s 1984 visit to Fairbanks, Alaska, at the start of a trip to Far East ...
These legal documents reveal that the horrors of slavery were not confined to the South. In fact, while some enslaved people in the so-called free states of the North were manumitted—freed ...