Shrek 5, the long-awaited sequel, has been delayed to December 23, 2026, after originally being scheduled for July 1, 2026.
The sparse crowd was mostly millennials, all in costume. There were Shreks, a Donkey or two, many, many Lord Farquads and at ...
A theory suggests Shrek 5 can introduce one big character through which it would solve a major mystery and continue a key ...
Shrek fans get some disappointing news as the film suffers a major setback. Per Deadline, the fifth entry in the long-running ...
U niversal's planned return trip to Far Far Away just got considerably further away. The company made several release date ...
Universal Pictures is putting Minions 3 and Shrek 5 in the same year's release window opening next year, with the former coming out on December 23, 2026, and the latter sometime around summer, accordi ...