At a pomp-filled state funeral, mourners paid tribute to Mr. Carter and argued that he was a more successful leader than many ...
Even Republicans, who have used President Carter to attack Democrats for nearly 50 years, have had to reckon with revisionism ...
I was waiting with others to board a morning flight from Los Angeles to San Francisco. The crowd of passengers was growing ...
The coalition collapse that doomed Biden follows a grim precedent set by another Democratic leader: Jimmy Carter.
There were many reasons that Ronald Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter in 1980. The Panama Canal Treaty wasn’t among them.
The legacy of Jimmy Carter's administration includes key roles in countering the Soviets and Islamist extremists in the ...
As a member of the elite, informal club of U.S. presidents past and present, Jimmy Carter was uniquely positioned to do ...
Reagan's greatest conflict was not with Iran, but the Soviet Union -- and he handled it much differently than Carter handled ...