The Dark Knight movie series is fascinating to revisit - especially when it comes to the series' oft-forgotten fourth ...
Batman has been around for a long time as a cinematic character, and some more controversial movie decisions with him have ...
More like this Why Isn't Robert Pattinson's Batman In The Penguin? In a conversation for Variety between director Matt Reeves and actress Zoe Kravitz, who worked together on The Batman where ...
The 2005 film Batman Begins, which Goyer wrote along with Christopher ... The First Omen walks through a series of twists which, while not contradicting the facts of the first film’s canon ...
It has been a year since British actor Tom Wilkinson passed away. He was 1 years old. On the 75th of last year, the BBC ...
Batman is one of the most iconic superheroes, though that’s hardly news to anyone. The thing is, in the past few years, especially with new generations, people are getting to know a version that, even ...
while Reeves’ own Batman completes a trilogy with a few more spinoff series, and then comes to a close. There may be some overlap with the first DCU Batman film and the final Reeves film ...
Adam West and Burt Ward as Batman and Robin in the 1960s TV series Adam West, the US actor best known as the star of the 1960s hit TV series Batman, has died aged 88. West died peacefully in Los ...