Common activities in English language arts classes such as annotation and note-taking can be improved through technology.
Daughtery: Using individualized data, an emphasis on vocabulary, time for practice and writing — yes, writing — teachers can ...
By: Rahim ShahTeachers have a rare chance to have a big impact on students' lives in the face of environmental deterioration ...
In addition to the classroom and schoolwide grants, the foundation’s annual Fund-A-Cause initiative this year will support ...
Every Child, Every Step, Everywhere Footsteps2Brilliance's comprehensive Teacher Guide and new core-aligned resour ...
Brain exercises support neuroplasticity, which refers to the brain’s tendency to form new connections and neural pathways.
Reading isn’t natural for humans – but storytelling is. Using decades of data, my new research highlights the role of parents ...
Teachers have unique insights on parenting, children, and behavioral changes that pull from a broader timespan than most ...
Experts report reading and literacy skills are not where they should be nationally. In response, Ohio is launching a program ...
This year’s event will give educators a glimpse at a new online game they can take back to classrooms to teach history.
Lewiston school board members got to walk in the shoes of some of the students by taking one of the state assessments ...
Trump listens during a farming event in rural Pennsylvania, then threatens John Deere with tariffs Big Impact, Small Stature: ...