The LexisNexis Legal Awards 2024 are officially open for entries, offering a platform to celebrate the very best of the UK’s ...
Narcissism has increasingly been used as a term to describe anyone who demonstrates difficult or undesirable behaviour. In reality it is a very specific personality disorder which is capable of being ...
This article starts by exploring mental health among the UK population at large as measured by global surveys. Thereafter it focusses on the mental health picture presented by separating families ...
The Family Law Awards 2024 shortlist has been released, celebrating the exceptional talent and achievements within the family law community. This prestigious event will once again bring together the ...
A teenage Jehovah's Witness who was crushed in a car accident has died after refusing a blood transfusion in hospital. The schoolboy, aged 15, was airlifted to hospital from the incident in Smethwick, ...
A new website, Mediation World, is a global mediation resource for governments, courts, businesses, lawyers, mediators, and NGOs. Sponsored by the Ministry of Justice and the Foreign and Commonwealth ...
Challinors Solicitors has launched a new fixed-fee service called ‘Options Together’. Aimed at newly divorcing couples, the focus will be an initial meeting that provides detailed information ...
You may be aware that the recent Court of Appeal case of Re W [2016] EWCA Civ 793 has been causing some head scratching among commentators. There is no doubt that this was a difficult case. The CoA ...
Bloom v Bloom [2018] Lexis Citation 16 concerned the applicant wife’s application that judgments in the financial remedy proceedings, where the respondent husband had been found to have defrauded her ...
The Financial Remedies Unit at the Central Family Court is running a pilot scheme for an accelerated First Appointment procedure in financial remedy proceedings. The FRU hears thousands of cases each ...
The government plans to expand the number of courts specialising in domestic violence from 25 to more than 50 by April 2007. The existing courts have already had an impact on current prosecutions and ...