Here’s some basic information about the next big annual applied category theory conference — Applied Category Theory 2025 — and the school that goes along with that: the Adjoint School. James ...
I’m teaching Edinburgh’s undergraduate Axiomatic Set Theory course, and the axioms we’re using are Lawvere’s Elementary Theory of the Category of Sets — with the twist that everything’s going to be ...
In Part 1, I explained my hopes that classical statistical mechanics reduces to thermodynamics in the limit where Boltzmann’s constant k k approaches zero. In Part 2, I explained exactly what I mean ...
Earlier this month the Mathematics Institute at Uppsala University hosted a conference called Categorification in Algebra and Topology, clearly a theme close to our collective heart. As yet there are ...
Feb 10, 2014 There will be 4 talks on “Network Theory” and one on “Operads and the Tree of Life” at the University of Oxford. Landsman on Quantization of Poisson Algebras Associated to Lie Algebroids ...
Dec 18, 2019 We can use groupoid cardinality to compute the moments of this random variable: the number of cycles of length k in a random permutation of an n-element set. Classifying by Generalizing: ...
Jun 19, 2011 Two classical notions of flat functor have a common generalization, leading to a better category of sites. History of Understanding Bundles with Connection using Parallel Transport around ...
Jul 23, 2009 Dominc Verity characterizes the descent condition for infinity-groupoid valued presheaves that happen to take values in strict infinity-groupoids.
I’m trying to work out how classical statistical mechanics can reduce to thermodynamics in a certain limit. I sketched out the game plan in Part 1 but there are a lot of details to hammer out. While I ...
A physical framework often depends on some physical constants that we can imagine varying, and in some limit one framework may reduce to another. This suggests that we should study a ‘moduli space’ or ...
Why do I care? As we’ll see later, classical statistical mechanics features a crucial formula that involves a Laplace transform. So it would be great if we could find some parameter β \beta in that ...