Here’s a USB-A male to USB-C female passive adapter, I used this one a lot after my laptop’s only USB-C port died of mechanical causes, but I still needed to use USB-C devices on the regular.
Charging your devices doesn’t have to take forever, at least if you have one of these Anker wall plugs. Down to $40 from its ...
TL;DR: Charge up to five devices simultaneously in over 190 countries with the G6 Pro USB-C 100W Travel Adapter with GaN on sale for $49.99 (reg. $79). If you’ve ever had your phone die mid ...
so you’ll likely need a USB-C hub to add different ports—such as old-school USB-A—to your Mac. In general, an “adapter” works with a single port (such as USB-A or Ethernet) while a ...
many USB-C car chargers can power your devices nearly as quickly as your go-to wall adapter at home. Despite some newer vehicles including built-in USB ports, most don’t support advanced fast ...