There are several over-the-counter (OTC) drugs commonly used to treat nausea, each with its specific indications and actions.
Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), including well-known brands like Prilosec, Nexium, and Prevacid, are some of the most commonly ...
Are you tossing and turning in bed and not able to catch up on much needed sleep? You’re not alone – India is the second most sleep deprived country in the world, and a survey suggests that 93% ...
India is highly affected by sleep deprivation, with 93% of its population struggling to get adequate rest. Acid reflux or ...
Hiccups rarely go on for so long. There are many maneuvers that people swear by that often work. Holding your breath (or just ...
If you have acid reflux, your day-to-day habits can make a big difference. These tips can help make things better.
I am a healthy 64-year-old man. I got a terrible rash from poison ivy and needed to be put on prednisone. After a few days, I started ...