Despite his tarnished reputation after the events of The Dark Knight (2008), in which he took the rap for Dent's crimes, Batman feels compelled to intervene to assist the city and its Police force ...
Christopher Nolan rescued Batman from the depth ... Could he ever live up to the legacy of The Dark Knight? Let’s find out by delving into The Dark Knight Rises. If you choose not to read ...
Now, Hot Toys has collaborated with the highest-grossing Batman movie ever, The Dark Knight Rises, to release a new figure of Christian Bale’s Bruce Wayne returning to the Batcave and staring at ...
Coinciding with the recent The Dark Knight Rises release, Gameloft has released a near £5 Android and iOS game allowing fans to become Batman Touching down to coincide with this weekend's Batman ...
With minimal usage of CGI and a focus on character driven narratives, Christopher Nolan's dark, gritty portrayal of Bruce Wayne's transition into Batman and his struggles as Gotham's superhero set ...